Saturday, June 1, 2024

Welcome to EMR Safety

Since January 2013, the EMR Safety web site has addressed key scientific and policy developments concerning the health risks from exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and other non-ionizing electromagnetic fields.

With more than 200 posts, provides a curated collection of links to articles on the health risks associated with cell phones and cordless phones, cell towers, 4G and 5G, Wi-Fi, Smart Meters, electric and hybrid cars, and various wireless devices. I also report on the manufacturing of doubt about the science by industry-linked scientists and organizations and by government agencies.

The web site has had more than four million page views by visitors from over 200 countries which attests to the global concern about the impact of wireless radiation on our health and on the environment.

EMR Safety reached one million page views on April 7, 2017, two million page views on March 11, 2019, three million page views on July 14, 2021, and four million page views on February 22, 2024.

More than half (56%) of visitors were from outside the United States with Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, India, Australia, Russia, and China represented the most.

For visitors new to this web site or this topic, see the overviews about why we are concerned about cell phones, cell towers, and other wireless devices:

"Cellphone radiation is harmful, but few want to believe it"
(Interview with Joel Moskowitz, UC Berkeley News, July 1, 2021)

(Joel Moskowitz, Federal Mobility Group webinar / video & slides, 2023)

For safety tips from various organizations about how to reduce your cell phone radiation exposure see: Cell Phone and Wireless Technology Safety Tips.

To explore specific topics, click on "Overview of Contents," located on the right hand side of the page.  Articles are listed by topic. Find the article of interest and click on the link.

You can also look up articles by the month and year they were last updated in the archive, which is located in the right-hand column. Click on the month and a list of articles posted that month will appear. Then click on the article’s title, and it will take you to the post of interest.

Each month I update a summary of peer-reviewed research on health risks associated with wireless radiation including the cancer risk, reproductive harm and neurological disorders. The complete collection of abstracts which contains more than 1,800 scientific papers since 2016 can be downloaded as a pdf file.

Finally, you can find topics of interest by using the Search Box at the upper left hand side of the page: 

The most popular posts address 5G radiation, cellphones and health, the role of cell phones in increasing cancer or tumor incidence, electromagnetic fields (EMF) in hybrid and electric automobiles, and the Specific Absorption Rates (SAR) of popular smartphones.

For regular updates about electromagnetic radiation safety follow me on Twitter (@berkeleyprc), Facebook or LinkedIn.

International Scientist Appeal on Electromagnetic Fields & Wireless Technology  (250+ EMF scientists petition for warnings & stronger regulation)

Mobilize, a Film about Cell Phone Radiation  -- Award-winning documentary

Radio Interviews (and Podcasts)

Supplemental Information: