Monday, July 29, 2024

International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF)

ICBE-EMF issues statement on Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity


July 15, 2024

ICBE-EMF finds serious problems with WHO-Commissioned review of human observational studies 
on the effects of exposure to radio-frequency EMFs
TUCSON, AZ – July 15, 2024 – The International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF) documented serious problems with a WHO-commissioned review of research on the effects of exposure to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) in a commentary published today in the journal Reviews on Environmental Health.
Our commentary, “A critical appraisal of the WHO 2024 systematic review of the effects of RF-EMF exposure on tinnitus, migraine/headache, and non-specific symptoms,” discusses major problems with a recent review of human observational studies on this topic by Röösli and colleagues (2024) that was published in the journal Environment International.
We call for a retraction of this paper. Contrary to the opinion of the authors, we conclude that the body of evidence reviewed for this paper is not adequate to either support or refute the safety of current exposure limits – largely due to the very small number and low methodological quality of the relevant primary studies to date, and the fundamental inappropriateness of meta-analysis for the handful of very heterogeneous primary studies identified for each of the analyzed exposure/outcome combinations.
Furthermore, the ICBE-EMF calls for an impartial international investigation, by unconflicted experts, of both the currently available evidence base on these issues, as well as related research priorities for the future.
The ICBE-EMF is made up of a multidisciplinary consortium of scientists, doctors and related professionals who are involved with research related to the biological and health effects of electromagnetic frequencies up to and including 300 GHz. The organization makes recommendations that include and go beyond establishing numerical exposure guidelines based on the best peer-reviewed scientific research publications.
Frank J, Melnick R, Moskowitz J, on behalf of the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF). A critical appraisal of the WHO 2024 systematic review of the effects of RF-EMF exposure on tinnitus, migraine/headache, and non-specific symptoms. Reviews on Environmental Health. 2024. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2024-0069. 

Also see:


June 26, 2024

ICBE-EMF exposes major flaws in COSMOS cell phone brain tumor risk study in journal letter published today

Joel M. Moskowitz, PhD,
Ronald Melnick, PhD,

New peer-reviewed letter presents 
scientific case for retraction of conclusions
of COSMOS brain tumor risk study.

TUCSON, AZ – June 26, 2024 – The International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF) exposed major flaws with the COSMOS study of brain tumor risk from cell phone use in a letter to the editor published today in the journal Environment International"COSMOS: A methodologically-flawed cohort study of the health effects from exposure to radiofrequency radiation from mobile phone use."

The letter discusses serious problems with a recent COSMOS paper that provided interim results about brain tumor risk from mobile phone use. The letter calls for a retraction of the paper's conclusions and demands that the data set be made available to independent investigators who have no industry ties. Excerpts from the letter appear below.

The response to our letter by the authors of the COSMOS paper failed to adequately address our concerns.

COSMOS (“Cohort Study on Mobile Phone Use and Health”) is a 20-30-year cohort study investigating the possible health effects of long-term use of mobile phones and other wireless technologies. The study enrolled over 290,000 mobile phone users from six European countries (Denmark, Finland, France, Sweden, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom). 

The ICBE-EMF is made up of a multidisciplinary consortium of scientists, doctors and related professionals who are involved with research related to the biological and health effects of electromagnetic frequencies up to and including 300 GHz. The organization makes recommendations that include and go beyond establishing numerical exposure guidelines based on the best peer-reviewed scientific research publications.

Also see:


Sep 6, 2023

"Radiofrequency Radiation from Wireless Communications Sources: 
Are Safety Limits Safe?

The recordings and slides from the following webinar are now available.

David Gee: “Wireless Radiation; An Emerging Hazard 1972-2003”

Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe“Non-Ionizing Radiation Health Effects; Vulnerable Populations; Critical Role of Medical Doctor”

Dr. Kent Chamberlin:  "Towards the Better Protection of People and Planet from Wireless Radiation; Work of the New Hampshire Commission and the ICBE-EMF"

Dr. James C. Lin“A Critique of RF Exposure Limits and Recommendations for the Better Protection of Workers and the Public"

Dr. John Frank“Reflections and Key Questions”

​To view the videos and ​download the slides from this webinar: 


April 4, 2023


Simple engineering fixes could dramatically reduce cellphone radiation, scientists say

Industry will now have to start competing on safety

ICBE-EMF, Tucson, AZ, April 4, 2023 -- Six simple engineering fixes could dramatically reduce radiation emitted by cellphones according to a group of scientists. The fixes are easy to implement, and in one case the fix relies on technology already patented by the industry.

The International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF) reported its findings today in an open access, peer-reviewed article, "Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Limits and Engineering Solutions," published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

“Given the growing evidence of the health effects of radiation from cellphones and cell towers, I believe the wireless industry is going to have to start competing on safety,” said Joel Moskowitz, one of the authors who is also director of the Center for Family and Community Health at the University of California, Berkeley.

“With the proliferation of online advice and consultants helping people reduce their exposures, the concern about the safety of cellphones and other wireless devices has moved into the mainstream,” Moskowitz added.

“We will undoubtedly hear from many in the industry that a move toward safer cellphones and other wireless devices will be too costly and unnecessary,” Moskowitz said. “But carmakers said the same thing when the public demanded safer cars and the government required them. Today, those same carmakers compete on safety.”

“This competition for safety can move forward without a change in the current government standards,” Moskowitz explained. “Ultimately, I believe governments around the world will be playing catch-up with industry and consumers.”

“The six engineering solutions outlined in this paper provide a significant move forward in cellphone safety,” said Elizabeth Kelley, one of the authors of the paper and managing director of the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields. “The scientists and engineers proposing them stand ready to assist the cellphone industry with implementing them as soon as is practical.”

Kelley added, “Some of the proposed solutions are just common sense. Using Wi-Fi to make cellphone calls whenever feasible dramatically reduces radiation emissions from the phone.” And, when a cellphone is sitting on the nightstand while the user is sleeping, it doesn’t need to communicate constantly with a cell tower to relay its location. “Why not shut down these transmissions—which cause frequent radiation emissions—when our phones are stationary such as when they sitting on a bedside table as we sleep or on our desk next to us as we work?”

Kelley said, “These common-sense changes can quickly and dramatically reduce radiation exposure from cellphones. Implementing them will create a healthier environment for all of us while still allowing us to stay connected to others and to the information we need daily.”

The paper also examines the history behind the current cellphone emissions standards and finds a trail of dated assumptions and poorly designed experiments and tests that don’t reflect how people use cellphones today.

Paul Héroux, the first author of this paper and a professor in the School of Population and Global Health at McGill University in Montreal, said the team of scientists and engineers who worked on the paper “identified seven blind spots in the methods and experiments upon which our current cellphone radiation emission standards and guidelines are based. These blind spots call into serious question the validity of those standards."

For example, tests to gauge the hazards of wireless radiation upon which our current standards rest only used exposures lasting between 40 and 60 minutes. Such exposures “can hardly be said to be representative of the 24/7 chronic exposures which all of us are and will be subject to for the rest of our lives.”

Héroux added, “Combined, these seven blind spots tell us that our current cellphone emissions standards cannot be trusted. We cannot and should not tell the public that we know cellphones are safe.”

In his written statement Héroux recommends that two things be done right away:

  • Test cellphones “using test designs that represent actual use and that rely on the growing body of research demonstrating biological effects from radiation emitted by cellphones.”
  • “Demand a quantitative health risk assessment of cellphone use and wireless infrastructure. This type of scientific assessment is routinely used by government agencies worldwide. In the United States the Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration all use quantitative health risk assessments to determine potential human health risks associated with exposure to hazardous agents or activities.”

To download the paper:


Oct 18, 2022 (Updated Nov 2, 2022)

Wireless Technology Not Adequately Assessed for Hazards to Human Health and Environment

New peer-reviewed paper presents scientific case for revision of limits

TUCSON, AZ – October 18, 2022 – The International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF) is challenging the safety of current wireless exposure limits to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) and is calling for an independent evaluation.

Published today in the journal Environmental Health, “Scientific evidence invalidates health assumptions underlying the FCC and ICNIRP exposure limit determinations for radiofrequency radiation: implications for 5G,” demonstrates how the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the International Commission on Nonionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) have ignored or inappropriately dismissed hundreds of scientific studies documenting adverse health effects at exposures below the threshold dose claimed by these agencies, which was used to establish human exposure limits. The authors argue that the threshold, based on science from the 1980s – before cell phones were ubiquitous -- is wrong, and these exposure limits based on this threshold do not adequately protect workers, children, people with electromagnetic hypersensitivity, and the public from exposure to the nonionizing radiation from wireless data transmission.

“Many studies have demonstrated oxidative effects associated with exposure to low-intensity RFR, and significant adverse effects including cardiomyopathy, carcinogenicity, DNA damage, neurological disorders, increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier, and sperm damage,” explains Dr. Ronald Melnick, Commission chair and a former senior toxicologist with the U.S. National Toxicology Program at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. “These effects need to be addressed in revised and health-protective exposure guidelines. Furthermore, the assumption that 5G millimeter waves are safe because of limited penetration into the body does not dismiss the need for health effects studies.”

Dr. Lennart Hardell
, former professor at Örebro 
University Hospital in Sweden and author of  more than 100 papers on non-ionizing radiation, added, “Multiple robust human studies of cell phone radiation have found increased risks for brain tumors, and these are supported by clear evidence of carcinogenicity of the same cell types found in animal studies.”

The Commission believes that an independent evaluation based on the scientific evidence with attention to the knowledge gained over the past 25 years is needed to establish lower exposure limits. The Commission is also calling for health studies to be completed prior to any future deployment of 5G networks.

Elizabeth Kelley, the Commission's managing director, noted that “ICBE-EMF was commissioned by the advisors to the International EMF Scientist Appeal, a petition signed by more than 240 scientists who have published over 2,000 papers on EMF, biology, and health, and that “The commissioners have endorsed the Appeal’s recommendations to protect public and environmental health.”

For background on the paper and its co-authors see:

Media contact: 
Joel M. Moskowitz, PhD
email to:

Key points
  • ICBE-EMF scientists report that exposure limits for radiofrequency (or wireless) radiation set by ICNIRP and the FCC are based on invalid assumptions and outdated science, and are not protective of human health and wildlife.
  • ICBE-EMF calls for an independent assessment of the effects and risks of radiofrequency radiation based on scientific evidence from peer-reviewed studies conducted over the past 25 years. The aim of such assessment would be to establish health protective exposure standards for workers and the public.
  • The public should be informed of the health risks of wireless radiation and encouraged to take precautions to minimize exposures, especially for children, pregnant women and people who are electromagnetically hypersensitive.
  • ICBE-EMF calls for an immediate moratorium on further rollout of 5G wireless technologies until safety is demonstrated and not simply assumed.

International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields. Scientific evidence invalidates health assumptions underlying the FCC and ICNIRP exposure limit determinations for radiofrequency radiation: implications for 5G. Environmental Health. (2022) 21:92.


In the late-1990s, the FCC and ICNIRP adopted radiofrequency radiation (RFR) exposure limits to protect the public and workers from adverse effects of RFR. These limits were based on results from behavioral studies conducted in the 1980s involving 40–60-minute exposures in 5 monkeys and 8 rats, and then applying arbitrary safety factors to an apparent threshold specific absorption rate (SAR) of 4 W/kg. The limits were also based on two major assumptions: any biological effects were due to excessive tissue heating and no effects would occur below the putative threshold SAR, as well as twelve assumptions that were not specified by either the FCC or ICNIRP. 

In this paper, we show how the past 25 years of extensive research on RFR demonstrates that the assumptions underlying the FCC’s and ICNIRP’s exposure limits are invalid and continue to present a public health harm. Adverse effects observed at exposures below the assumed threshold SAR include non-thermal induction of reactive oxygen species, DNA damage, cardiomyopathy, carcinogenicity, sperm damage, and neurological effects, including electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Also, multiple human studies have found statistically significant associations between RFR exposure and increased brain and thyroid cancer risk. 

Yet, in 2020, and in light of the body of evidence reviewed in this article, the FCC and ICNIRP reaffirmed the same limits that were established in the 1990s. Consequently, these exposure limits, which are based on false suppositions, do not adequately protect workers, children, hypersensitive individuals, and the general population from short-term or long-term RFR exposures. 

Thus, urgently needed are health protective exposure limits for humans and the environment. These limits must be based on scientific evidence rather than on erroneous assumptions, especially given the increasing worldwide exposures of people and the environment to RFR, including novel forms of radiation from 5G telecommunications for which there are no adequate health effects studies.

Open access paper: 


Ronald L. Melnick: National Toxicology Program, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (retired), Ron Melnick Consulting LLC, Logan, Utah, USA (corresponding author)
Igor Belyaev: Cancer Research Institute, Biomedical Research Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia
Carl Blackman: US Environmental Protection Agency (retired), North Carolina, USA
Kent Chamberlin: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Hampshire, USA
Suleyman Dasdag: Biophysics Department, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Medical School, Turkey
Alvaro DeSalles: Graduate Program on Electrical Engineering (PPGEE), Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil 
Claudio Fernandez: Division of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS), Canoas, Brazil
Lennart Hardell: Department of Oncology, Orebro University Hospital (retired), The Environment and Cancer Research Foundation, Orebro, Sweden
Paul Héroux: Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Canada
Elizabeth Kelley: ICBE-EMF and International EMF Scientist Appeal, and Electromagnetic Safety Alliance, Arizona, USA
Kavindra Kesari: Department of Applied Physics, School of Science, Aalto, University, Espoo, Finland
Don Maisch: EMFacts Consultancy; The Oceanic Radiofrequency, Scientific Advisory Association, Tasmania, Australia
Erica Mallery-Blythe: Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment; British Society of Ecological Medicine; Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association, UK
Anthony Miller: Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Professor Emeritus), University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Joel M. Moskowitz: School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA
Wenjun Sun: School of Public Health, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China
Igor Yakymenko: National University of Food Technology, Kyiv Medical University, Ukraine

About the International Commission 

on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields

Founded in 2021, ICBE-EMF was commissioned by the advisors to the International EMF Scientist Appeal. The Commission is dedicated to ensuring the protection of humans and other species from the harmful effects of non-ionizing radiation. Our primary purpose is to make recommendations, based on peer-reviewed scientific research, that includes and goes beyond establishing numerical exposure guidelines to ensure safety. ICBE-EMF is made up of a multidisciplinary consortium of scientists, doctors, and related professionals who are or have been, involved with research related to the biological and health effects of electromagnetic frequencies up to and including 300 GHz.


Selected News Stories

"New Challenge to ICNIRP: Dissident Scientists Seek Tighter Health Limits. Will They Succeed Where Others Failed?" Microwave News, November 1, 2022.

André Fauteux."Hundreds of studies on wireless radiation toxicity 'inappropriately ignored or discounted'." La Maison du 21e Siecle, Oct 18, 2022. French:

Monday, July 1, 2024

The Cohort Study on Mobile Phones and Health (COSMOS)

The authors of COSMOS mobile phone-brain tumor study (Feychting et al., 2024a) failed to address numerous issues in their response (Feychting et al., 2024b) to the ICBE-EMF letter (Moskowitz et al., 2024) critiquing their study. ICBE-EMF stands by its call for a retraction of the study's conclusions and demands that the data set be made available to independent investigators who have no industry ties.

Mads Rohde (MR), a senior advisor at the Cancer Registry of Norway, input the text from the ICBE-EMF letter into ChatGPT followed by the response to the letter. Then MR submitted the following queries to ChatGPT:

MR: so u see the first was a critique and the next was a reply?

ChatGPT: "Yes, I see that the first document was a critique of the COSMOS study on mobile phone use and brain tumor risk, pointing out several methodological flaws and issues with exposure and outcome assessment, latency periods, statistical power, and potential funding bias. The second document was a reply from the authors of the COSMOS study, addressing the criticisms, defending their methodology, explaining their exposure assessment and outcome ascertainment, and emphasizing the independence and rigor of their research process."

MR: ok, tell me what the response did not adequately address (which limitations that still apply even if we take their reply for being true).

ChatGPT: "Here are the limitations that the response from the COSMOS study authors did not adequately address, even if we take their reply at face value:
  1. Exposure Assessment Limitations:

    • Lack of Updated Exposure Information: The reply acknowledges that the study did not update exposure information during the follow-up period (median 7.12 years), which is crucial as mobile phone technology and usage patterns evolved significantly during this time.
    • Variability in RF-EMF Exposure: The reply did not adequately address the substantial variability in RF-EMF exposure due to different cellular technologies and signal strengths. While they mention that newer technologies emit lower levels of RF-EMF, the exposure from earlier technologies was not comprehensively accounted for.
  2. Confounding Factors and Other RF-EMF Sources:

    • Other RF-EMF Sources: The response did not fully address the critique that the study did not control for other sources of RF-EMF exposure such as cordless phones, Wi-Fi routers, and cell towers.
    • Unexposed Group: The lack of a completely unexposed group remains a limitation. The authors argue that non-users would be an unsuitable comparison group due to confounding factors, but this does not mitigate the critique that without an unexposed group, the ability to detect risk differences is compromised.
  3. Outcome Assessment Issues:

    • Under-Reporting of Brain Tumors: While the authors refuted the claim of under-reporting based on administrative changes, the potential under-reporting in cancer registries remains a concern, especially for benign tumors like meningioma. The response did not convincingly dismiss the possibility of under-reporting affecting the study's results.
  4. Statistical Power:

    • Insufficient Number of Cases: The response acknowledges limited statistical power, especially for acoustic neuroma and meningioma. Despite their defense, the critique that the study had fewer cases than expected and thus limited power to detect significant associations stands valid.
  5. Latency Periods:

    • Insufficient Long-Term Data: The response did not adequately address the critique about insufficient long-term follow-up data. For cancers with long latency periods, the study's follow-up duration may not be sufficient to detect potential risks associated with long-term mobile phone use.
  6. Funding and Potential Bias:

    • Industry Funding Influence: The reply defends the independence of the study despite industry funding. However, the critique about potential funding bias due to partial industry funding and its influence on research outcomes remains a point of concern that was not fully mitigated by the authors' response.

In summary, while the COSMOS study authors addressed many points raised in the critique, significant limitations regarding exposure assessment, confounding factors, outcome assessment, statistical power, latency periods, and potential funding bias still apply and were not completely resolved by their reply."


Feychting M, Schüz J, Toledano MB, Vermeulen R, Auvinen A, Poulsen AH, Deltour I, Smith RB, Heller J, Kromhout H, Huss A, Johansen C, Tettamanti G, Elliott P. Mobile phone use and brain tumour risk – COSMOS, a prospective cohort study. Environment International, Volume 185, 2024a, 108552, (

Feychting M, Schüz J, Toledano MB, Vermeulen R, Auvinen A, Poulsen AH, Deltour I, Smith RB, Heller J, Kromhout H, Huss A, Johansen C, Tettamanti G, Elliott P. Response to the letter to the editor regarding “Mobile phone use and brain tumour risk − COSMOS, a prospective cohort study”. Environment International, Volume 189, 2024b, 108808, (

Moskowitz JM, Frank JW, Melnick RL, Hardell L, Belyaev I, Héroux P, Kelley E, Lai H, Maisch D, Mallery-Blythe E, Philips A. COSMOS. A methodologically-flawed cohort study of the health effects from exposure to radiofrequency radiation from mobile phone use. Environment International, Volume 190, 2024, 108807, (


June 26, 2024

ICBE-EMF exposes major flaws in COSMOS cell phone brain tumor risk study in journal letter published today

Joel M. Moskowitz, PhD,
Ronald Melnick, PhD,

New peer-reviewed letter presents 
scientific case for retraction of conclusions
of COSMOS brain tumor risk study.

TUCSON, AZ – June 26, 2024 – The International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF) exposed major flaws with the COSMOS study of brain tumor risk from cell phone use in a letter to the editor published today in the journal Environment International"COSMOS: A methodologically-flawed cohort study of the health effects from exposure to radiofrequency radiation from mobile phone use."

The letter discusses serious problems with a recent COSMOS paper that provided interim results about brain tumor risk from mobile phone use. The letter calls for a retraction of the paper's conclusions and demands that the data set be made available to independent investigators who have no industry ties. Excerpts from the letter appear below.

The response to our letter by the authors of the COSMOS paper failed to adequately address our concerns.

COSMOS (“Cohort Study on Mobile Phone Use and Health”) is a 20-30-year cohort study investigating the possible health effects of long-term use of mobile phones and other wireless technologies. The study enrolled over 290,000 mobile phone users from six European countries (Denmark, Finland, France, Sweden, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom). 

The ICBE-EMF is made up of a multidisciplinary consortium of scientists, doctors and related professionals who are involved with research related to the biological and health effects of electromagnetic frequencies up to and including 300 GHz. The organization makes recommendations that include and go beyond establishing numerical exposure guidelines based on the best peer-reviewed scientific research publications.

Excerpts from the ICBE-EMF letter:

Moskowitz JM, Frank JW, Melnick RL, Hardell L, Belyaev I, Héroux P, Kelley E, Lai H, Maisch D, Mallery-Blythe E, Philips A. COSMOS: A methodologically-flawed cohort study of the health effects from exposure to radiofrequency radiation from mobile phone use. Environ Int. 2024;190;108807, doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2024.108807. Open access paper:

We write to point out serious methodological problems with the Cohort Study on Mobile Phones and Health (COSMOS) brain tumor risk paper (Feychting et al., 2024). Because of these flaws, the study does not provide reliable estimates of the risks of tumors associated with exposure to mobile phone radio frequency radiation (RFR). This paper which summarizes interim results from this 25-plus year cohort study (Schüz et al., 2011) demonstrates many of the overall study’s shortcomings....

1. Problems with exposure assessment

... Misclassification of RFR exposure was substantial because the amount of exposure from a mobile phone varies by up to four orders of magnitude depending on the cellular network technology and the strength of the signal from the cell tower (Wall et al., 2019). COSMOS did not account for this variability. The study also did not control for other sources of RFR exposure, including cordless phones, personal wireless devices, Wi-Fi routers, and cell towers....

Since almost everyone in this cohort study regularly used mobile phones at baseline (including two-thirds who used mobile phones for 10 or more years) and many were exposed to others sources of RFR (e.g., cordless DECT phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi), there was no unexposed group. That the authors chose to use the bottom 50 % of the mobile phone use distribution as the reference group instead of a more extreme percentile cutoff (e.g., the bottom decile of mobile phone use) does not seem defensible....

2. Problems with outcome assessment

The incidence of brain tumors may be under-reported in the five national cancer registries that this study relied upon to assess outcomes....

3. Latency, type and location of tumors

Most human cancers have long latencies, requiring many years to decades after exposure to carcinogens before clinical presentation and diagnosis (Armenian, 1987, Nadler and Zurbenko, 2022). Accordingly, it is critical in cohort studies like COSMOS to stratify on the total length of time between initiation of any given level of exposure – in this case to RFR – and the date of cancer diagnosis, especially since so many members of the COSMOS cohort already had many years of substantial RFR exposure when recruited....

This interim study by Feychting et al. (2024) does not have a sufficient number of subjects followed for more than a decade after RFR exposure began to rule out elevated risks of these two tumors after the most relevant latent periods for carcinogenesis....

4. Statistical issues

Although the authors acknowledged that “Statistical power was limited for meningioma and acoustic neuroma,” we contend that glioma with only 149 incident cases in this study of 1.836 million person years also had limited statistical power. The confidence intervals for the hazard ratios were large. Moreover, the power analysis in the COSMOS design paper (Table 2, Schüz et al., 2011) assumed an annual incidence rate of 15 per 100,000 for brain tumors, whereas the glioma annual incidence rate in the current study was 8.11 per 100,000. Thus, no analysis of tumor risk in this paper had adequate statistical power.

We question whether the study adequately addressed the heterogeneity among countries....

The Data Availability section of the paper states, “The data that has been used is confidential.” If the authors are using this as the reason not to share their data, then the results cannot be confirmed by independent investigators. Since these data have potentially important policy implications, the data set must be accessible to other researchers....

5. Industry research funding

Funding bias is well-recognized in biomedical research (Bekelman et al., 2003). Industry-funded studies were less likely to report statistically significant health-related effects associated with mobile phone use than non-industry funded studies (Huss et al., 2007, Moskowitz et al., 2020). For example, a review of experimental studies concluded, “industry-sponsored studies were least likely to report results suggesting effects… The source of funding and conflicts of interest are important to consider in this area of research (van Nierop et al., 2010).

COSMOS was partially funded by the telecommunications industry in three countries, Finland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom (Feychting et al., 2024)....

6. Conclusions

Given the serious methodologic problems with this interim COSMOS paper discussed above, we recommend that the authors retract their conclusion: “Our findings to date, together with other available scientific evidence, suggest that mobile phone use is not associated with increased risk of developing these tumours.”.

To support this assertion the authors relied on evidence from three cohort studies (Feychting et al., 2024, Schüz et al., 2006, Schüz, 2022) with weak methodology (Ahlbom et al., 2007, Birnbaum et al., 2022, Moskowitz, 2022, Söderqvist et al., 2012). For example, IARC concluded, “reliance on subscription to a mobile phone provider, as a surrogate for mobile phone use, could have resulted in considerable misclassification in exposure assessment” (Baan et al., 2011). Schüz et al. (2022) did not provide data on cumulative phone use. To support their “no association” conclusion, the COSMOS authors also cited time-trend studies; yet, these studies reported significant increases in brain tumor incidence in age-specific subgroups (e.g., de Vocht, 2021, Deltour et al., 2022, Elwood et al., 2022: Ostrom et al., 2022). Finally, the COSMOS authors cited a review of case-control studies that dismissed the results of the cumulative call time analysis by relegating it to the appendix (i.e., Supplemental Figure 2, Röösli et al., 2019).

In contrast to Röösli et al., 2019, Choi et al., 2020 systematic review and meta-analysis of 46 case-control studies”found significant evidence linking cellular phone use to increased tumor risk, especially among cell phone users with cumulative cell phone use of 1000 or more hours in their lifetime,” and called for high quality, prospective cohort studies to confirm the results of the case-control research.

The COSMOS paper on brain tumor risk:

Feychting M, Schüz J, Toledano MB, Vermeulen R, Auvinen A, Poulsen AH, Deltour I, Smith RB, Heller J, Kromhout H, Huss A, Johansen C, Tettamanti G, Elliott P. Mobile phone use and brain tumour risk – COSMOS, a prospective cohort study. Environ Int. 2024;185; 108552, doi: org/10.1016/j.envint.2024.108552. Open access paper:


Background  Each new generation of mobile phone technology has triggered discussions about potential carcinogenicity from exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF). Available evidence has been insufficient to conclude about long-term and heavy mobile phone use, limited by differential recall and selection bias, or crude exposure assessment. The Cohort Study on Mobile Phones and Health (COSMOS) was specifically designed to overcome these shortcomings.

Methods  We recruited participants in Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the UK 2007–2012. The baseline questionnaire assessed lifetime history of mobile phone use. Participants were followed through population-based cancer registers to identify glioma, meningioma, and acoustic neuroma cases during follow-up. Non-differential exposure misclassification was reduced by adjusting estimates of mobile phone call-time through regression calibration methods based on self-reported data and objective operator-recorded information at baseline. Hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for glioma, meningioma, and acoustic neuroma in relation to lifetime history of mobile phone use were estimated with Cox regression models with attained age as the underlying time-scale, adjusted for country, sex, educational level, and marital status.

Results  264,574 participants accrued 1,836,479 person-years. During a median follow-up of 7.12 years, 149 glioma, 89 meningioma, and 29 incident cases of acoustic neuroma were diagnosed. The adjusted HR per 100 regression-calibrated cumulative hours of mobile phone call-time was 1.00 (95 % CI 0.98–1.02) for glioma, 1.01 (95 % CI 0.96–1.06) for meningioma, and 1.02 (95 % CI 0.99–1.06) for acoustic neuroma. For glioma, the HR for ≥ 1908 regression-calibrated cumulative hours (90th percentile cut-point) was 1.07 (95 % CI 0.62–1.86). Over 15 years of mobile phone use was not associated with an increased tumour risk; for glioma the HR was 0.97 (95 % CI 0.62–1.52).

Conclusions  Our findings suggest that the cumulative amount of mobile phone use is not associated with the risk of developing glioma, meningioma, or acoustic neuroma.

References (in chronological order; all papers are open access)

Feychting M, Schüz J, Toledano MB, Vermeulen R, Auvinen A, Poulsen AH, Deltour I, Smith RB, Heller J, Kromhout H, Huss A, Johansen C, Tettamanti G, Elliott P. Mobile phone use and brain tumour risk – COSMOS, a prospective cohort study. Environ Int. 2024;185; 108552, doi: org/10.1016/j.envint.2024.108552. 

Kundi M. Letter to the editor. Environ Int. 2024 May;187:108665. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2024.108665. 

Feychting M, Schüz J, Toledano MB, Vermeulen R, Auvinen A, Poulsen AH, Deltour I, Smith RB, Heller J, Kromhout H, Huss A, Johansen C, Tettamanti G, Elliott P. Response to the Letter to the Editor regarding "Mobile phone use and brain tumour risk - COSMOS, a prospective cohort study". Environ Int. 2024 May;187:108664. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2024.108664.  

Moskowitz JM, Frank JW, Melnick RL, Hardell L, Belyaev I, Héroux P, Kelley E, Lai H, Maisch D, Mallery-Blythe E, Philips A. COSMOS: A methodologically-flawed cohort study of the health effects from exposure to radiofrequency radiation from mobile phone use. Environ Int. 2024;190;108807, doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2024.108807. 

Feychting M, Schüz J, Toledano MB, Vermeulen R, Auvinen A, Poulsen AH, Deltour I, Smith RB, Heller J, Kromhout H, Huss A, Johansen C, Tettamanti G, Elliott P. Response to the letter to the editor regarding “Mobile phone use and brain tumour risk − COSMOS, a prospective cohort study”. Environ Int. 2024;189;108808, doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2024.108808.