Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Recent Research on Wireless Radiation and Electromagnetic Fields

I have been circulating abstracts of newly-published scientific papers on radio frequency and other non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) monthly since 2016. The complete collection contains more than 2000 abstracts with links to these papers. Several hundred EMF scientists around the world receive these updates.

To download Volume 3 which contains abstracts of papers published since 2024 
(including the new papers listed below) click on the following link (255 page pdf):

To download Volume 2 which contains abstracts of papers published from 2021 through 2023 
click on the following link (867 page pdf):

To download Volume 1 which contains abstracts of papers published from 2016 through 2020 
click on the following link (875 page pdf):

The abstracts for recently published papers appear below.


World Health Organization’s EMF Project’s Systemic Reviews on the Association Between RF Exposure and Health Effects Encounter Challenges

In a newly-published paper, one of the world's most renowned scientists who has studied the effects of radio frequency (RF) radiation, Dr. James C. Lin, Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois, Chicago and a former ICNIRP Commissioner, attacks the World Health Organization's systematic reviews of the research on RF radiation that dismiss the substantial evidence for adverse biological and health effects.

He concludes:

"The criticisms and challenges encountered by the published WHO-EMF systematic reviews are brutal, including calls for retraction. Rigorous examinations of the reviews reveal major concerns. In addition to the scientific quality, they appear to have a strong conviction of nothing but heat to worry about with RF radiation. The unsubtle message that cellular mobile phones do not pose a cancer risk is clear. The reviews exhibit a lack of serious concerns for conflicts of interest and display unequivocal support for the recently promulgated ICNIRP RF exposure guidelines for human safety.

From its inception, WHO-EMF had close ties with ICNIRP, a private organization, frequently referred to as the WHO-EMF project’s scientific secretariat [18]. What may not be as apparent for the WHO-EMF systematic reviews is the lack of diversity of views. A large number of ICNIRP commissioners and committee members are listed as authors for the WHO-EMF systematic reviews; some also served as lead authors. These concerns advance issues of reviewer independence and potential for conflicts of interest."

Lin JC. World Health Organization’s EMF Project’s Systemic Reviews on the Association Between RF Exposure and Health Effects Encounter Challenges [Health Matters]. IEEE Microwave Magazine, 26(1): 13-15, Jan. 2025, doi: 10.1109/MMM.2024.3476748.

No abstract

1) Regarding "The WHO-EMF systematic review on the association between RF exposure and adverse health effects pertaining to reproductive health (pregnancy and birth outcome.... While the WHO-EMF systematic review presents itself as thorough, scientific, and relevant to human health, numerous issues were identified, suggesting the WHO-EMF review was severely flawed. The found flaws skewed the results in support of the review’s conclusion that there is no conclusive evidence for effects other than RF-induced tissue heating. It showed that the underlying data, when relevant studies are cited correctly, support the opposite conclusion: “There are clear indications of detrimental nonthermal effects” from RF exposure. The authors identified a multitude of flaws in the methodology. To those scientists, the methodology and low quality of the systematic review were highly concerning “as it threatens to undermine the trustworthiness and professionalism of the WHO-EMF project in the area of human health hazards from man-made RF radiation.”

2) Regarding "The WHO-EMF systematic review of human observational studies on the occurrence of migraine, headaches, tinnitus, sleep disturbances, and nonspecific symptoms in the general and working population .... An ensuing critical appraisal by three accomplished senior researchers documented major problems with the WHO-EMF-commissioned review and called for its retraction [8]. The meta-analysis for the handful of very heterogeneous primary studies identified for each of the analyzed exposure and outcome combinations appeared fundamentally inappropriate. The number is very small, and the methodological quality of the relevant primary studies is low. In contrast, this peer-reviewed publication concluded that the body of evidence reviewed is inadequate to either support or refute the safety of current exposure limits.

3) "Some skepticism has been expressed regarding a third WHO-EMF systematic review on RF-induced oxidative stress [9]. The study identified 11,599 studies on oxidative stress in the frequency range 800–2,450 MHz and then eliminated 11,543 of them as not meeting the criteria for inclusion. Of the remaining 56 papers, there were 45 animal studies and 11 in vitro cellular studies....For many years, Henry Lai, a leading researcher in RF oxidative responses and professor emeritus at the University of Washington, Seattle, has maintained a bibliography of RF-oxidative stress papers. As of mid-August, his list includes 367 studies, published between 1997 and 2024. By his count, 89% showed significant effects. Lai’s assessment of the WHO-EMF review is that it left out a large portion of RF-oxidative effect studies and appears to have only considered oxidative molecular reactions among the possible oxidative effects [10]. As reported, others have opined that “this systematic review methodically excluded most of the relevant research.”"

4) Regarding the WHO systematic review to assess the evidence provided by human epidemiological studies for the cancer risk from radiofrequency (RF): " This WHO-EMF review was picked up and reported on by many Western media outlets. Actually, there are truly few data that are new in this review. For sure, the assessment of scientific evidence in this subject has been controversial and less than uniform. The question is, “Is this review really the definitive word on the long-standing issue of whether cell phone radiations pose a cancer risk?” My answer is, far from it!"

"Microwave News [12] published a meticulously researched investigative report in the historical context of the latest WHO-EMF cancer review. Five years ago, the lead author [13] with some members of the same team made similar efforts to terminate the RF–cancer debate with basically the same no-risk message. However, “it was not well received” by the scientific community, since the analysis excluded some people older than 59 years of age, the largest segment of the brain cancer population."

"The WHO-IARC, NIH-NTP, and Ramazzini outcomes, under normal circumstances, would likely have provided the justification for raising WHO-IARC’s current possible cancer risk designation to the probable cancer-causing classification, if not higher.


A mechanistic understanding of human magnetoreception validates the phenomenon of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS)

Henshaw DL, Philips A. (2024). A mechanistic understanding of human magnetoreception validates the phenomenon of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). International Journal of Radiation Biology, 1–19. doi: 10.1080/09553002.2024.2435329.


Background   Human electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) or electrosensitivity (ES) symptoms in response to anthropogenic electromagnetic fields (EMFs) at levels below current international safety standards are generally considered to be nocebo effects by conventional medical science. In the wider field of magnetoreception in biology, our understanding of mechanisms and processes of magnetic field (MF) interactions is more advanced.

Methods  We consulted a range of publication databases to identify the key advances in understanding of magnetoreception across the wide animal kingdom of life.

Results  We examined primary MF/EMF sensing and subsequent coupling to the nervous system and the brain. Magnetite particles in our brains and other tissues can transduce MFs/EMFs, including at microwave frequencies. The radical pair mechanism (RPM) is accepted as the main basis of the magnetic compass in birds and other species, acting via cryptochrome protein molecules in the eye. In some cases, extraordinary sensitivity is observed, several thousand times below that of the geomagnetic field. Bird compass disorientation by radio frequency (RF) EMFs is known.

Conclusions  Interdisciplinary research has established that all forms of life can respond to MFs. Research shows that human cryptochromes exhibit magnetosensitivity. Most existing provocation studies have failed to confirm EHS as an environmental illness. We attribute this to a fundamental lack of understanding of the mechanisms and processes involved, which have resulted in the design of inappropriate and inadequate tests. We conclude that future research into EHS needs a quantum mechanistic approach on the basis of existing biological knowledge of the magnetosensitivity of living organisms.

Conclusions and recommendations
  1. At the scientific level, researchers working in the field of magnetoreception in biology should be made aware of EHS as a human public health concern and funded to address the issue as part of their scientific research.

  2. All interested parties, especially EHS sufferers and medical professionals, should be made aware of the considerable growth in understanding in recent decades of the mechanisms by which all forms of life sense MFs/EMFs, even at extremely low levels. EHS research to date has been significantly hindered by a fundamental lack of knowledge among many medical scientists and EHS researchers regarding the current scientific understanding of quantum biology mechanisms and processes. This has resulted in the design and analysis of inappropriate provocation tests.

  3. Almost all existing epidemiological and provocation studies have failed adequately to determine and measure the necessary dependent and independent variables. In particular:

    1. to characterize in proper technical detail the EMF/RF exposures (including electric and MF levels; average and peak power-density levels; frequencies involved; and modulation characteristics).

    2. to triage participants effectively to remove ‘electrophobic’ and other volunteers self-reporting apparent EHS-related problems.

    3. in provocation studies, to fail to recognize the nonlinear nature of EHS responses and the extremely low levels of exposure (<100 nT) that have effects and, instead, use relatively high exposures fairly close to the ICNIRP and IEEE guidance levels.

    4. in provocation studies, to provide a participant-comfortable extremely low EMF/RF test location, screened from anthropogenic sources and allow adequate time (days rather than hours) for adverse effects to washout between exposures.

  4. EHS studies should move away from current, nonforensic epidemiological approaches and human subjective provocation studies (Leszczynski 2022; Röösli et al. 2024). Instead, objective measurements of biological parameters, such as heart rate variability, brain wave activity (e.g. fMRI and wide-bandwidth EEG), and the immune response to oxidative stress should be investigated (Caswell et al. 2016; Gurfinkel et al. 2018; Pishchalnikova et al. 2019; Wang et al. 2019; Thoradit et al. 2024). We caution that these approaches require sophisticated design and analysis and advanced design personal exposure meters.

  5. We recommend that the WHO properly reevaluates its understanding of EHS to align it with the substantial body of available scientific literature showing mechanistic evidence of interactions of all forms of life, including humans, with low levels of electric and magnetic fields.


Gaps in Knowledge Relevant to the "ICNIRP Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields (100 kHz TO 300 GHz)"

International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). Gaps in Knowledge Relevant to the "ICNIRP Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields (100 kHz TO 300 GHz)". Health Phys. 2025 Feb 1;128(2):190-202. doi: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001944. Epub 2024 Dec 13. PMID: 39670836.


In the last 30 y, observational as well as experimental studies have addressed possible health effects of exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) and investigated potential interaction mechanisms. The main goal of ICNIRP is to protect people and the environment from detrimental exposure to all forms of non-ionizing radiation (NIR), providing advice and guidance by developing and disseminating exposure guidelines based on the available scientific research on specific parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. During the development of International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection's (ICNIRP's) 2020 radiofrequency EMF guidelines some gaps in the available data were identified. To encourage further research into knowledge gaps in research that would, if addressed, assist ICNIRP in further developing guidelines and setting revised recommendations on limiting exposure, data gaps that were identified during the development of the 2020 radiofrequency EMF guidelines, in conjunction with subsequent consideration of the literature, are described in this Statement. Note that this process and resultant recommendations were not intended to duplicate more traditional research agendas, whose focus is on extending knowledge in this area more generally but was tightly focused on identifying the highest data gap priorities for guidelines development more specifically. The result of this distinction is that the present data gap recommendations do not include some gaps in the literature that in principle could be relevant to radiofrequency EMF health, but which were excluded because either the link between exposure and endpoint, or the link between endpoint and health, was not supported sufficiently by the literature. The evaluation of these research areas identified the following data gaps: (1) Issues concerning relations between radiofrequency EMF exposure and heat-induced pain; (2) Clarification of the relation between whole-body exposure and core temperature rise from 100 kHz to 300 GHz, as a function of exposure duration and combined EMF exposures; (3) Adverse effect thresholds and thermal dosimetry for a range of ocular structures; (4) Pain thresholds for contact currents under a range of exposure scenarios, including associated dosimetry; and (5) A range of additional dosimetry studies to both support future research, and also to improve the application of radiofrequency EMF exposure restrictions in future guidelines.


Sensory Processing Sensitivity, and Not Gender, Drives Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity and Nature Connection

Watten RG, Volden F, Visnes H. Sensory Processing Sensitivity, and Not Gender, Drives Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity and Nature Connection. Ecopsychology. Nov 28, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1089/eco.2024.0027


Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is a biomedical condition associated with exposure to man-made radio-frequency electromagnetic fields. Common sources are devices like mobile phones, wireless networks, base stations, computers, TVs, and more. Identifying individuals at risk of developing EHS is important. Those with heightened sensory processing sensitivity (SPS; the ability to perceive, process, and react to environmental stimuli, approximately 25% to 30% of the population) are of special interest. SPS could also be associated with connectedness to nature (CNS) and EHS. In the current gender-matched cross-sectional study (n = 450; 225 men and 225 women) we assessed gender differences in environmental sensitivity assessed as SPS, EHS, and CNS. Women had higher general EHS prevalence than men (13.3% vs. 5.3%), higher mean values on perceived sensitivity for 5 out of 9 categories of electromagnetic equipment (computers, electrical appliances, fluorescent lighting, mobile phones, and television) and they had higher scores on the three EHS Scales EHS General, EHS Scale, and EHS Index, in addition to higher SPS and CNS scores. The gender differences vanished when adjusting for SPS in the multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVA) analyses, suggesting that the differences in these scales were associated with SPS. The statistical equation modeling (SEM) results showed a significant positive direct effect of SPS on CNS, and a significant indirect effect mediated by EHS. The present study provides the first empirical evidence that highly sensitive individuals are capable of perceiving electromagnetic radiation. The results indicate that perceived EHS and CNS are driven by SPS and not by gender.


Effect of Exposure to Mobile Phones on Electrical Cardiac Measurements: Multivariate Analysis & Variable Selection Algorithm to Detect Relationship With Mean Changes

Alharbi N, Alassiri M. The Effect of Exposure to Mobile Phones on Electrical Cardiac Measurements: A Multivariate Analysis and a Variable Selection Algorithm to Detect the Relationship With Mean Changes. Int J Cell Biol. 2024 Oct 3;2024:7093771. doi: 10.1155/2024/7093771.


Background: The exponential growth in mobile phone usage has raised concerns about electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure and its health risks. Blood pressure and BMI, which impair heart function due to decreased adrenoreceptor responsiveness, parasympathetic tone withdrawal, and increased sympathetic activity, may further exacerbate these risks. However, the effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic (RF-EM) exposure from mobile phones on electrocardiograms (ECGs) and heart rate variability (HRV) in individuals remain unclear.

Purpose: Building upon our previous findings on HRV changes due to mobile phone proximity, this study is aimed at significantly enhancing the analytical approach used to assess the effects of mobile phones on cardiac parameters. This study exploits data from a previous study but with a different purpose. The aim of this study is twofold: (a) to examine whether exposure to mobile phones changes the five variables (P-R, QRS, QT, ST, and HR) in a multivariate manner and (b) to examine whether the blood pressure and/or the body mass index (BMI), which acts as a proxy for obesity, have an effect on the change of these five variables. For both aspects of the study, four cycles are performed.

Method: We conducted multivariate analysis on previously collected electrical cardiac measurement data from 20 healthy male subjects exposed to mobile phone EMF, with the mobile phones placed at four different body locations. The one-sample Hotelling T2 test on the mean vector of differences was utilised instead of multiple paired t-tests. This multivariate method comprehensively analyzes data features and accounts for variable correlations, unlike multiple univariate analyses. Given our small sample size, we employed the MMPC variable selection algorithm to identify predictor variables significantly related to mean changes.

Results: Significant alterations in ECG intervals and heart rate were noted in the subjects before and after the first EMF exposure cycle, independent of their BMI. Notably, heart rate, P-R, and QRS intervals fell postexposure while QT and ST intervals increased. These changes were influenced by variations in systolic blood pressure, with BMI showing no significant effect.

Conclusion: The observed modifications in cardiac electrical measurements due to mobile phone EMF exposure are attributed to the effects of EMF itself, with no impact from BMI on the extent of these changes.

Note: iPhone 5 Plus was used.


Given the evidence linking EMFs from mobile phones to adverse effects on heart health, it is crucial for regular users of such devices, especially those at risk of CVDs, to take steps towards reducing their overall exposure. This can be achieved through measures such as limiting talk time or using hands-free headsets during calls. Additionally, ongoing research in this area is essential to deepen our understanding of how these potentially harmful frequencies impact our bodies over both short- and long-term periods.


The Role of Excess Charge Mitigation in Electromagnetic Hygiene: An Integrative review

Jamieson IA, Bell JNB, Holdstock P.  The Role of Excess Charge Mitigation in Electromagnetic Hygiene: An Integrative review. Biomedical Journal. 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.bj.2024.100801.


The electromagnetic characteristics of many environments have changed significantly in recent decades. This is in large part due to the increased presence of equipment that emits electromagnetic radiation and materials that may often readily gain excess charge. The presence of excess charge can often increase risk of infection from pathogens, and likelihood of individuals experiencing compromised performance, respiratory problems and other adverse health issues from increased uptake of particulate matter. It is proposed that adopting improved electromagnetic hygiene measures, including optimized humidity levels, to reduce the presence of inappropriate levels of electric charge can help reduce the likelihood of ill health, infection and poor performance arising from contaminant inhalation and deposition, plus reduce the likelihood of medical devices and other electronic devices getting damaged and/or having their data compromised. It is suggested that such measures should be more widely adopted within clinical practice guidelines and water, sanitation and hygiene programs.


Electric fields can increase localized deposition of pathogens.
High charge of either polarity increases contaminant deposition.
40-60% relative humidity reduces likelihood of infection.
Proper specification of materials reduces infection risks.
Electromagnetic hygiene can reduce risk of infection.


5G RF-EMF Effects on the Human Sleep Electroencephalogram: A Randomized Controlled Study in Healthy Volunteers (pre-print, not peer-reviewed)

My note: Most studies to date that claim to evaluate the effects of 5G exposure did not employ a 5G signal generator. This study, however, used an exposure system (sXh5G) developed by the IT’IS Foundation that provides a controlled and well-characterized 5G EMF exposure at two different carrier frequencies.

Sousouri G, Eicher C, D'Angelo RM, Billecocq M, Fussinger T, Studler M, Capstick M, Kuster N, Achermann P, Huber R, Landolt H-P. 5G Radio-Frequency-Electromagnetic-Field Effects on the Human Sleep Electroencephalogram: A Randomized Controlled Study in CACNA1C Genotyped Healthy Volunteers. MedRxiv. 
Dec 26, 2024. doi: 10.1101/2024.12.16.24319082.


Background: The introduction of 5G technology as the latest standard in mobile telecommunications has raised concerns about its potential health effects. Prior studies of earlier generations of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) demonstrated narrowband spectral increases in the electroencephalographic (EEG) spindle frequency range (11-16 Hz) in non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep. However, the impact of 5G RF-EMF on sleep remains unexplored. Additionally, RF-EMF can activate L-type voltage-gated calcium channels (LTCC), which have been linked to sleep quality and EEG oscillatory activity. 

Objective: This study investigates whether the allelic variant rs7304986 in the CACNA1C gene, encoding the α1C subunit of LTCC, modulates 5G RF-EMF effects on EEG spindle activity during NREM sleep. 

Methods: Thirty-four healthy, matched participants, genotyped for rs7304986 (15 T/C and 19 T/T carriers), underwent a double-blind, sham-controlled study with standardized left-hemisphere exposure to two 5G RF-EMF signals (3.6 GHz and 700 MHz) for 30 min before sleep. Sleep spindle activity was analyzed using high-density EEG and the Fitting Oscillations & One Over f (FOOOF) algorithm. 

Results: T/C carriers reported longer sleep latency compared to T/T carriers. A significant interaction between RF-EMF exposure and rs7304986 genotype was observed, with 3.6 GHz exposure in T/C carriers inducing a faster spindle center frequency in the central, parietal, and occipital cortex compared to sham. 

Conclusion: These findings suggest 3.6 GHz 5G RF-EMF modulates spindle center frequency during NREM sleep in a CACNA1C genotype-dependent manner, implicating LTCC in the physiological response to RF-EMF and underscoring the need for further research into 5G effects on brain health.


All participants completed three experimental nights with different, standardized exposure conditions according to a randomized, double-blind, cross-over design: 1) 30-min, pre-sleep exposure to an active 5G EMF at a carrier frequency of 700 MHz, 20 MHz bandwidth, and 12.5 Hz applied power control, 2) 30-min, pre-sleep exposure to an active 5G EMF at a carrier frequency of 3.6 GHz, 100 MHz bandwidth, and 12.5 Hz applied power control, and 3) a 30-min sham exposure without an active field....

All exposure conditions were administered with the same exposure system (sXh5G), provided by the IT’IS Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society (IT'IS Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland), which ensures controlled and well-characterized 5G EMF exposure. Following detailed simulated dosimetry (Figure 1), the signal intensity was calibrated to ensure the specific absorption rate (SAR) for the head (averaged over 10 g of tissue) did not exceed 2 W/kg. The active field remained within the SAR limit for the general population established by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and posed no known health risks. The two active fields administered are 5G uplink signals generated in the 5G frequency range. The lower frequency signal has a carrier frequency of 700 MHz, 20 MHz bandwidth, Frequency Division Duplexing/Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (FDD/OFDM) with 24 resource blocks, 16 time slots, 60 kHz sub-carrier spacing and Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) modulation, with an output power of 4.28 W. The higher frequency signal has a carrier frequency of 3.6 GHz, 100 MHz bandwidth, Time Division Duplexing (TDD)/QPSK OFDM with 135 resource blocks, 16 time slots, 60 kHz sub-carrier spacing and QPSK modulation, with an output power of 1.63 W. In the signals used, only uplink communication is implemented, and all frames are identical with 16 time slots. Both signals have identical power control applied that introduces low frequency amplitude modulation at 12.5 Hz on top of the modulation due to the occupied time slots which have a dominant power modulation frequency of 200 Hz resulting in a 14.2 dB peak to average power ratio (PAPR) (Supp. Figure 1, 2 & 3). The exposure levels in grey and white matter, thalamus and all tissues in the brain averaged over 0.125 g which is a cube of side length ~5 mm are reported in Table 1 for both 700 MHz and 3.6 GHz....

... we found a significant interaction between exposure and the genetic variant in the center frequency of sleep spindles. Specifically, we demonstrated a topographically widespread acceleration of spindle center frequency in the T/C carriers after exposure to the 3.6 GHz RF-EMF in comparison to sham....

By leveraging the strengths of spectral parameterization, we demonstrated a widespread shift in the center frequency of sleep spindles towards faster oscillatory activity in T/C allele carriers after exposure to a 5G RF-EMF with a carrier frequency of 3.6 GHz. This effect was evident in central, parietal, and occipital cortical areas coinciding with areas that predominantly express faster spindles. A number of previous studies also reported enhanced EEG spectral power in the upper spindle range after exposure to RF-EMF of earlier generation (Huber et al., 2000, 2002; Schmid, Loughran, et al., 2012; Schmid, Murbach, et al., 2012)....

The discrepancy between the deeper penetration of the 700 MHz signal revealed by the simulated SAR distribution in the brain and the more pronounced effects on the EEG sleep spindles observed following exposure to the 3.6 GHz signal remains unclear. Notably, the pulse modulation, which has been identified as critical for the biological effects of RF-EMF (Huber et al., 2002), was identical at 12.5 Hz in both fields and the psSAR10gr was consistently set at 2 W/kg. The findings underscore the necessity for a comprehensive investigation into the complex characteristics of the new 5G signals. Furthermore, they may suggest that the dielectric and conductive properties of the tissues associated with the minor allele may not be adequately represented by the current simulation parameters. Alternatively, the observed effects may indicate a distinct mode of action that is unrelated to SAR distribution....

The differential effects observed between the 700 MHz and 3.6 GHz exposures highlight the importance of considering signal characteristics and tissue properties in understanding RF-EMF interactions. Overall, our results provide new insights into the genetic and biophysical factors underlying RF-EMF effects on sleep, emphasizing the need for more targeted studies to elucidate these mechanisms.


RF-EMF Exposure near 5G NR Small Cells

Aerts S, Deprez K, Verloock L, Olsen RG, Martens L, Tran P, Joseph W. RF-EMF Exposure near 5G NR Small Cells. Sensors. 2023; 23(6):3145. doi: 10.3390/s23063145.


Of particular interest within fifth generation (5G) cellular networks are the typical levels of radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by ‘small cells’, low-power base stations, which are installed such that both workers and members of the general public can come in close proximity with them. In this study, RF-EMF measurements were performed near two 5G New Radio (NR) base stations, one with an Advanced Antenna System (AAS) capable of beamforming and the other a traditional microcell. At various positions near the base stations, with distances ranging between 0.5 m and 100 m, both the worst-case and time-averaged field levels under maximized downlink traffic load were assessed. Moreover, from these measurements, estimates were made of the typical exposures for various cases involving users and non-users. Comparison to the maximum permissible exposure limits issued by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) resulted in maximum exposure ratios of 0.15 (occupational, at 0.5 m) and 0.68 (general public, at 1.3 m). The exposure of non-users was potentially much lower, depending on the activity of other users serviced by the base station and its beamforming capabilities: 5 to 30 times lower in the case of an AAS base station compared to barely lower to 30 times lower for a traditional antenna.


Scaled to small-cell powers, the measured exposure levels in this study were below the MPE limits for both occupational (at distances between 0.5 m and 1 m from the base station) and general public exposure (>1 m) issued by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) [17]: the maximum exposure ratios were 0.15 (occupational) and 0.68 (general public). These theoretical worst-case exposures were higher than the actual maxima measured in situ by maximizing the downlink traffic load, and both types of worst-case exposures were much higher (3–12 times) than the exposures of a typical user, which in turn were much higher (4–9 times) than the exposures without any users. Finally, the exposure of a non-user within a mature 5G NR network depends on the distribution of users, their usage, and the AAS capabilities of the base station radio.

Although adverse health effects at non-thermal exposure levels cannot be ruled out [20], the ICNIRP reference levels are still relevant to calculate exposure ratios against. The measurement values obtained in this study and reported in this paper can be directly compared to other reference or limit levels (e.g., from legislation or scientific literature), depending on the scope of the study.

For a 5G NR AAS base station, the actual exposure of a given user will generally be less than the theoretical maximum exposure Emax for several reasons. First, other users (the number may vary) may be in beams other than the one the given user is using. Hence, the RF energy directed toward these users will not add (much) to the exposure of the given user. Second, the usage by the given user will generally be less than the maximum assumed for which Emax was defined. Third, there may be dynamic power control to reduce base station power to the minimum needed for communication. This was not taken into account in this study. Finally, the base station beam may be narrower or wider than that used to measure Emax. Hence, the problem of determining actual RF exposure becomes a statistical one that depends on several different variables. However, the exposure will almost always be less than Emax.

Similarly, for the non-user, the difference lies in whether they are in a beam or not. Generally, the RF exposure from the base station for the non-user will be smaller than that for a user (here by at least a factor of 5 for an AAS), unless there are many users around and the MaMIMO capabilities of the base station are limited (Table 4) [19].

Open access paper: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/23/6/3145 


Improving Monitoring of Indoor RF-EMF Exposure Using IoT-Embedded Sensors and Kriging Techniques

Jabeur R, Alaerjan A. Improving Monitoring of Indoor RF-EMF Exposure Using IoT-Embedded Sensors and Kriging Techniques. Sensors. 2024; 24(23):7849. https://doi.org/10.3390/s24237849


Distributed wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are widely used to enhance the quality and safety of various applications. These networks consist of numerous sensor nodes, often deployed in challenging terrains where maintenance is difficult. Efficient monitoring approaches are essential to maximize the functionality and lifespan of each sensor node, thereby improving the overall performance of the WSN. In this study, we propose a method to efficiently monitor radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) exposure using WSNs. Our approach leverages sensor nodes to provide real-time measurements, ensuring accurate and timely data collection. With the increasing prevalence of wireless communication systems, assessing RF-EMF exposure has become crucial due to public health concerns. Since individuals spend over 70% of their time indoors, it is vital to evaluate indoor RF-EMF exposure. However, this task is complicated by the complex indoor environments, furniture arrangements, temporal variability of exposure, numerous obstructions with unknown dielectric properties, and uncontrolled factors such as people’s movements and the random positioning of furniture and doors. To address these challenges, we employ a sensor network to monitor RF-EMF exposure limits using embedded sensors. By integrating Internet of Things-embedded sensors with advanced modeling techniques, such as kriging, we characterize and model indoor RF-EMF downlink (DL) exposure effectively. Measurements taken in several buildings within a few hundred meters of base stations equipped with multiple cellular antennas (2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G) demonstrate that the kriging technique using the spherical model provides superior RF-EMF prediction compared with the exponential model. Using the spherical model, we constructed a high-resolution coverage map for the entire corridor, showcasing the effectiveness of our approach. 


This study proposes the use of WSN to monitor the indoor RF-EMF exposure induced by cellular networks. To this end, we first proposed a measurement system based on the Narda NBM-550 and Nucleo-F401RE microcontroller board. The aim is to characterize and model indoor RF-EMF DL exposure using the collected measurements and kriging technique. First, several indoor measurements are conducted in an area covered by various frequency bands, including those used for 5G. By comparing the spherical and exponential models, we demonstrated that the spherical model provides a superior fit for predicting RF-EMF exposure levels. The high-resolution coverage map constructed using the spherical model revealed that the maximum average RF-EMF DL exposure levels within the corridor are well below the limits established by the ICNIRP. These findings underscore the effectiveness of the kriging technique in accurately modeling and predicting RF-EMF exposure in complex indoor environments.

For future work, several avenues can be explored to enhance the understanding and assessment of indoor RF-EMF exposure. Firstly, expanding the measurement campaign to include a wider variety of indoor environments, such as residential buildings, offices, and public transport, would provide a more comprehensive dataset. Additionally, incorporating temporal variations by conducting long-term measurements could offer insights into the fluctuations of RF-EMF exposure over time. Furthermore, integrating advanced machine learning algorithms with the kriging technique could improve the accuracy and efficiency of exposure predictions. Another important research axis involves the analysis of measurement uncertainty, which is planned for future investigation. For large-scale deployments, the Narda NBM-550 can be replaced with frequency-selective equipment such as the ExpoM-RF4, MVG EME Spy Evolution, or Narda SRM-3006. This substitution ensures that only downlink bands are considered and enables the reconstruction of RF-EMF exposure maps for each frequency band, facilitating a more detailed assessment by frequency band. Finally, investigating the impact of emerging wireless technologies, such as beyond 5G, on indoor RF-EMF exposure will be crucial as these technologies become more widespread. These future directions will contribute to a more thorough understanding of indoor RF-EMF exposure and help address public concerns regarding wireless communication systems.


AI-based optimization of EM radiation estimates from GSM base stations using traffic data

Lal R, Singh RK, Nishad DK, et al. AI-based optimization of EM radiation estimates from GSM base stations using traffic data. Discov Appl Sci 6, 655 (2024). doi: 10.1007/s42452-024-06395-y


The fast expansion of mobile networks has sparked worries regarding base station EM radiation's health impacts. Traffic load is commonly ignored when evaluating EM radiation levels using maximum power output. This study proposes utilizing AI and ML on real network traffic data to optimize GSM base station EM radiation estimations. We obtained EM radiation measurements and traffic data from selecting GSM base stations by location and configuration. To predict EM radiation levels, traffic patterns were used to train linear regression, random forests, and neural networks. Base stations were clustered by radiation profile using unsupervised learning. Considering regulatory restrictions and measurement feasibility, an optimization methodology was created to minimize EM radiation estimate inaccuracy. The results show better prediction accuracy than power-based estimations and high generalisability across base station types. Site-specific factors influenced daily EM radiation patterns after clustering. EM radiation levels can be monitored using traffic data and the optimized AI/ML model. This research helps telecom operators and regulators analyze EM radiation more accurately and efficiently. Future projects should include 5G and small cell network extensions and intelligent city platform integration. The suggested method develops data-driven, AI-powered Public Safety and mobile network trust solutions.


Advancements in electromagnetic microwave absorbers: Ferrites and carbonaceous materials

Mohapatra PP, Singh HK, Dobbidi P. Advancements in electromagnetic microwave absorbers: Ferrites and carbonaceous materials. Adv Colloid Interface Sci. 2024 Dec 14;337:103381. doi: 10.1016/j.cis.2024.103381.


Heightened levels of electromagnetic (EM) radiation emitted by electronic devices, communication equipment, and information processing technologies have become a significant concern recently. So, substantial efforts have been devoted for developing novel materials having high EM absorption properties. This critical review article provides an overview of the advancements in understanding and developing such materials. It delves into the interaction between EM radiation and absorbing materials, focusing on phenomena like multiple reflections, scattering, and polarization. Additionally, the study discusses various types of losses that impact microwave absorber performance, like magnetic loss, and dielectric loss. Each of these losses has distinct implications for microwave absorbers' effectiveness. Furthermore, the review offers detailed insights into different microwave-absorbing materials, such as metal composites, magnetic materials, conducting polymers, and carbonaceous materials (composites with carbon fiber, porous carbon, carbon nanotube, graphene oxide, etc.). Overall, it highlights the progress achieved in microwave-absorbing materials and emphasizes optimizing various loss mechanisms for enhanced performance.


This study provides a comprehensive overview of recent advancements in magnetic and carbon-based dielectric composites, showcasing their potential as promising materials for microwave absorption. The examples underscore that a single dielectric or magnetic system alone cannot consistently achieve optimal microwave absorption performance, necessitating the formulation of composite mixtures that incorporate dielectric and magnetic fillers. These composites' exceptional microwave absorption capabilities can be attributed to several key factors: optimizing intrinsic properties: The amalgamation of a carbon-based material with dielectric components yields distinctive complementary responses in their intrinsic properties, resulting in optimized impedance matching. Inducing Interfacial Polarization: Ample heterogeneous interfaces between different components effectively induce strong interfacial polarization, enhancing the overall microwave absorption performance. Facilitating Conductive Networks: Integrating multiple components facilitates the formation of a conductive network, hopping electrons and fostering the migration and fortifying conductivity loss. Precision in Microstructure Design: Meticulously designed microstructures offer additional propagation paths for incident electromagnetic waves, stimulating multiple reflections and scatterings that efficiently consume electromagnetic energy.

Despite remarkable progress in carbon-based dielectric systems, persistent challenges warrant a strategic approach: In-Depth Exploration of EM Loss Characteristics: A meticulous exploration of the electromagnetic loss characteristics of each component is crucial. It emphasizes the need for a rational combination of elements rather than arbitrarily preparing multicomponent composites. Defect Engineering: While defects like grain boundaries, atom vacancies, and heteroatoms positively affect polarization and conductivity losses, the intricate relationship between defect sites and microwave absorption performance necessitates further exploration. Defect engineering is pivotal in guiding the fabrication of high-performance magnetic and carbon-based dielectric composites. Expanding the Effective Frequency Range: The effective frequency range of most composites is confined to 8.0–18.0 GHz, limiting their applicability in the electronics industry, where many devices operate at frequencies lower than 8.0 GHz. A rational construction approach for multicomponent composites with well-designed microstructures holds the potential to overcome this limitation and enhance low-frequency attenuation capabilities. Simplified Preparation Methods: The preparation methods, especially for multicomponent composites, are often complicated, posing challenges for large-scale production. Streamlining these methods is crucial for overcoming production difficulties.

In conclusion, the future outlook for high-performance materials against electromagnetic pollution lies in developing novel carbon-based dielectric systems, magnetic fillers with well-balanced compositions, and intricate microstructures. Addressing the outlined challenges will contribute to realizing these materials' potential to mitigate electromagnetic interference.


Effect of radiation emitted from mobile phone on innate immunity in mice

Pei, Y., Gao, H., Zhang, M., Zhou, F., Zhu, Y., Wang, X., & Sun, J. (2024). Effect of radiation emitted from mobile phone on innate immunity in mice. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 179(11–12), 1585–1596. https://doi.org/10.1080/10420150.2024.2352845


This present study aims to explore the potential impact of cell phone radiation on innate immunity in mice. Ninety-six male BALB/C mice aged 2–3 weeks were randomly distributed into 4 groups as blank control, control, TD-SCDMA and LTE-Advanced respectively, with 32 mice in each group. Mice were designed to be exposed to cell phone radiation for 4–8 weeks. Eight mice in each group were taken out for measurement given exposure periods were 4, 6 and 8 weeks respectively. Cell biological technique was conducted to assess the chemotaxis of neutrophils, and a morphological method was performed for the detection of phagocytosis of neutrophil and macrophage, while microbiological means was carried out to test the relative activity of lysozyme in serum of mice. As a result, the chemotaxis ratio of neutrophils was with little statistical difference among the four groups given a shorter exposure period. However, the ratios in TD-SCDMA and LTE-Advanced groups were decreased significantly on the condition that the exposure period was more than 6 weeks. No statistical difference was observed among the four groups during the entire exposure period in terms of the chemotaxis index. Phagocytosis of the innate cells as neutrophil and macrophage showed little change in the two control groups during the whole experimental stages, while the percentage in the two treated groups decreased statistically, and this kind of reduction was prone to feature time dependence. The activities of lysozyme in TD-SCDMA and LTE-Advanced groups declined significantly, further to that, the impact was climbing paralleled with the prolonged duration. It could be deduced that radiation from cell phones could weaken innate immunity in experimental mice; moreover, this adverse effect was seemingly more severe as the radiation exposure continued.


Numerical dosimetry of specific absorption rate of insects exposed to far-field radiofrequency electromagnetic fields

Jeladze V, Nozadze T, Partsvania B, Thielens A, Shoshiashvili L, Gogoladze T (2025). Numerical dosimetry of specific absorption rate of insects exposed to far-field radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. International Journal of Radiation Biology, 1–14. doi: 10.1080/09553002.2024.2442693.


Purpose  This paper reports a study of electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure of several adult insects: a ladybug, a honey bee worker, a wasp, and a mantis at frequencies ranging from 2.5 to 100 GHz. The purpose was to estimate the specific absorption rate (SAR) in insect tissues, including the brain, in order to predict the possible biological effects caused by EMF energy absorption.

Method  Numerical dosimetry was executed using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. Insects were modeled as 3-tissue heterogeneous dielectric objects, including the cuticle, the inner tissue, and the brain tissue. The EMF source was modeled as sinusoidal plane waves at a single frequency (far-field exposure).

Results  The whole-body averaged, tissue averaged, and 1 milligram SAR values were determined in insects for all considered frequencies for 10 different incident plane waves. SAR values were normalized to the incident power density of 1 mW/cm2. Maximal EMF absorption in the inner and brain tissues was observed at 6, 12, and 25 GHz for the considered insects, except the brain tissue of a ladybug (max at 60 GHz).

Conclusion  The paper presented the first estimation of the SAR for multiple insects over a wide range of RF frequencies using 3-tissue heterogenous insect 3D models created for this specific research. The selection of tissues’ dielectric properties was validated. The obtained results showed that EMF energy absorption in insects highly depends on frequency, polarization, and insect morphology.


The paper presented a study of RF-EMF dosimetry of honeybee worker, wasp, mantis, and ladybug from 2.5 to 100 GHz, including frequencies that will be utilized in future 5 G technologies.

Discrete, 3-tissue heterogenous insect 3D models were created and used for FDTD modeling.

The whole-body averaged SAR values and tissue-averaged SAR values were estimated in insects’ tissues for 9 considered frequencies and 10 polarizations of incident plane wave. For the first time, 1 mg SAR values were determined in insect tissues.

The obtained results showed SAR values in honeybee, wasp, ladybug, and mantis body tissues, which depend on the direction of the incident plane wave and polarization, frequency, and the insects’ body sizes and peculiarities.

The highest values of the peak 1 mg SAR for the honeybee and wasp − 39.2 W/kg and 169.2 W/kg for an incident field strength of 1 mW/cm2, were observed when E-field polarization was directed along the insect’s length (pol. E3, E5, E9).

The obtained results showed maximal tissue-specific SAR values in the brain at 25 GHz for the honeybee (3.6 W/kg), 12 GHz for the wasp (5.4 W/kg), 25 GHz for the mantis (5.2 W/kg), and 60 GHz for the ladybug (10 W/kg), all for an incident power density of 1 mW/cm2. Maximal EMF absorption in the inner tissue was observed at 12 GHz, 4.3 W/kg, 5.9 W/kg, 4.8 W/kg for the honey bee, wasp, and ladybug, respectively, and for the mantis 3.3 W/kg at 6 GHz for an incident power density of 1 mW/cm2. The absorption in insects’ cuticles increased proportionally with frequency. For example, for the ladybug, the tissue-specific SAR in the cuticle was 0.1 W/kg at 2.5 Ghz and 11.9 W/kg at 100 GHz for the same incident power density of 1 mW/cm2.

Future studies will consider introducing insect models that will be obtained using micro-CT scanning, examining the effects of high-frequency electromagnetic fields on other insects of different forms and sizes, conducting thermal simulations along with EM simulations, and evaluating temperature rise in insect tissues.

Based on the present results, we expect this research to have an impact on (environmental) policymaking and standardization and regulation regarding RF-EMF emissions. We expect to contribute to the harmonization of 5G EMF safety and compliance doses and to the development of future recommendations about safe frequencies and doses of 5G-EMF on the organisms studied in the present research.


Emerging cancer therapies: targeting physiological networks and cellular bioelectrical differences with non-thermal systemic electromagnetic fields in the human body – a comprehensive review

Costa FP, Wiedenmann B, Schöll E, Tuszynski J. Emerging cancer therapies: targeting physiological networks and cellular bioelectrical differences with non-thermal systemic electromagnetic fields in the human body – a comprehensive review. Frontiers in Network Physiology. Vol. 4, 2024. doi: 10.3389/fnetp.2024.1483401.


A steadily increasing number of publications support the concept of physiological networks, and how cellular bioelectrical properties drive cell proliferation and cell synchronization. All cells, especially cancer cells, are known to possess characteristic electrical properties critical for physiological behavior, with major differences between normal and cancer cell counterparts. This opportunity can be explored as a novel treatment modality in Oncology. Cancer cells exhibit autonomous oscillations, deviating from normal rhythms. In this context, a shift from a static view of cellular processes is required for a better understanding of the dynamic connections between cellular metabolism, gene expression, cell signaling and membrane polarization as states in constant flux in realistic human models. In oncology, radiofrequency electromagnetic fields have produced sustained responses and improved quality of life in cancer patients with minimal side effects. This review aims to show how non-thermal systemic radiofrequency electromagnetic fields leads to promising therapeutic responses at cellular and tissue levels in humans, supporting this newly emerging cancer treatment modality with early favorable clinical experience specifically in advanced cancer.

Open access paper: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/network-physiology/articles/10.3389/fnetp.2024.1483401


Effect of 6 GHz radiofrequency electromagnetic field on the development of fetal bones

Karamazı Y, Emre M, Uçar S, Aksoy G, Emre T, Tokuş M. (2024). Effect of 6 GHz radiofrequency electromagnetic field on the development of fetal bones. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 1–9. doi: 10.1080/15368378.2024.2438608.


This study examined the impact of 6 GHz (0.054 W/kg SAR) Radiofrequency-Electromagnetic Field (RF-EMF) on prenatal bone development. In this study, 20 female and 20 male Wistar Albino rats divided into four groups. The Control group received no treatment, while in Group-I, only male rats were exposed to RF-EMF, female rats had no exposure. Group-II, both male and female rats received RF-EMF treatment. While in Group-III, only female rats were exposed to RF-EMF, male rats had no exposure. The exposure lasted 4 hours per day for 6 weeks. The rats were then allowed to mate within the group. After pregnancy, pregnant rats (Group-II and III) were exposed 4 hours per day for 18 days. On the 18th day of gestation, fetuses were removed and their weight and various lengths were measured. The skeletal system development of fetuses was examined with double skeletal staining method and assessed ossification in the extremities. In the study, fetal weights, head-tail length, occipital-frontal and parietal-parietal lengths significantly increased in all exposure groups when compared to the control group (p < 0.001). Although occipital-frontal length was smallest in Group-I, Group-II and Group-III were more higher than the control group (p < 0.001). The bones of the anterior and posterior extremities showed significant increases in length, ossification zone length, and ossification percentage in all experimental groups compared to the control group (p < 0.001). Our study showed that rats exposed to 6 GHz (0.054 W/kg) RF-EMF during the prenatal period had significant increases in bone development.

Plain-Language Summary

Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field (RF-EMF) sources are one of the most widely used technology systems in daily life. This study examined the impact of 6 GHz RF-EMF on prenatal bone development. In this study, 20 female and 20 male Wistar Albino rats divided into four groups. The control group rats received no treatment, while in Group-I, only male rats, Group-II, both male and female rats, while in Group-III, only female rats were exposed to RF-EMF. The exposure lasted 4 hours/day for 6 weeks. The rats were then allowed to mate within the group. After pregnancy, pregnant rats (Group-II and III) were exposed 4 hours/day for 18 days. On the 18th day of gestation, fetuses were removed 10 fetuses each group were randomly selected in each group and their weight and various lengths were measured. The skeletal system development of fetuses was examined with double skeletal staining method. The ImageJ program was used assess ossification in the extremities.



Effects of 4G Long-Term Evolution Electromagnetic Fields on Thyroid Hormone Dysfunction and Behavioral Changes in Adolescent Male Mice

Kim H-Y, Son Y, Jeong YJ, Lee S-H, Kim N, Ahn YH, Jeon SB, Choi H-D, Lee H-J. Effects of 4G Long-Term Evolution Electromagnetic Fields on Thyroid Hormone Dysfunction and Behavioral Changes in Adolescent Male Mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024; 25(20):10875. doi: 10.3390/ijms252010875.


Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs) can penetrate tissues and potentially influence endocrine and brain development. Despite increased mobile phone use among children and adolescents, the long-term effects of RF-EMF exposure on brain and endocrine development remain unclear. This study investigated the effects of long-term evolution band (LTE) EMF exposure on thyroid hormone levels, crucial for metabolism, growth, and development. Four-week-old male mice (C57BL/6) were exposed to LTE EMF (whole-body average specific absorption rate [SAR] 4 W/kg) or a positive control (lead; Pb, 300 ppm in drinking water) for 4 weeks. Subsequently, the mice underwent behavioral tests including open field, marble burying, and nest building. Blood pituitary and thyroid hormone levels, and thyroid hormone-regulating genes within the hypothalamus–pituitary–thyroid (HPT) axis were analyzed. LTE exposure increased T3 levels, while Pb exposure elevated T3 and T4 and decreased ACTH levels. The LTE EMF group showed no gene expression alterations in the thyroid and pituitary glands, but hypothalamic Dio2 and Dio3 expressions were significantly reduced compared to that in the sham-exposed group. Pb exposure altered the hypothalamic mRNA levels of Oatp1c1 and Trh, pituitary mRNA of Trhr, and Tpo and Tg expression in the thyroid. In conclusion, LTE EMF exposure altered hypothalamic Dio2 and Dio3 expression, potentially impacting the HPT axis function. Further research is needed to explore RF-EMF’s impacts on the endocrine system.


Evaluation of the Thyroids of Offsprings Exposed to 2450 MHz Radiofrequency Radiation During Pregnancy: A Sixth Month Data

Ozyilmaz C, Oktay MF, Dasdag S, Ulukaya E, Genel ME, Tansuker HD, Emre F, Yeğin K. Evaluation of the Thyroids of Offsprings Exposed to 2450 MHz Radiofrequency Radiation During Pregnancy: A Sixth Month Data. Journal of International Dental & Medical Research, 2024, 17(2): 925-930.


This study aimed to determine whether the exposure to radiofrequency emitted by wireless internet providers (2450 MHz) throughout the day during rats’ pregnancy causes a problem in the thyroid tissues of their offspring.

The pregnant rats in the experimental group were exposed to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) (24 hours/day) at a 2450 MHz frequency in pulse wave mode with 1 W output strength by a generator simulating Wi-Fi waves. The offspring in the control and experimental groups were randomized selected (n:8). At the end of the sixth month, the thyroid tissues were removed and evaluated histopathologically and biochemically. Mann‒Whitney U-tests and T-tests were used for statistical analysis. The threshold for statistical significance was p <0.05.

There was a significant difference in mononuclear cell infiltration (p=0.03) and vascular increase in congestion (p<0.001). There was no difference in the TUNEL-positive cell percentage (p=0.62) and H2A.X antibody levels (p=0.68) between the rats in the control and experimental groups. In this study, 2450 MHz RFR exposure during the prenatal period did not cause a statistically significant difference in terms of H2A.X levels and TUNEL-positive cell percentages in the thyroid tissue of rats.


Effects of extremely low frequency magnetic fields on animal cancer and DNA damage: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Brabant C, Honvo G, Demonceau C, Tirelli E, Léonard F, Bruyère O. Effects of extremely low frequency magnetic fields on animal cancer and DNA damage: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 2024 Dec 31:S0079-6107(24)00116-0. doi: 10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2024.12.005.


The objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to assess the carcinogenic effects of extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MF) by analyzing animal and comet assay studies. We have performed a global meta-analysis on all the animal studies on the relation between ELF-MF and cancer incidence and separate meta-analyses on the incidence of cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, breast cancer, brain cancer and DNA damage assessed with the comet assay. Of the 5145 references identified, 71 studies have been included in our systematic review and 22 studies in our meta-analyses. Our global meta-analysis indicated that ELF-MF exposure had no significant impact on the incidence of cancers in rodents (19 studies, OR = 1.10; 95% CI 0.91-1.32). However, our separate meta-analyses showed that ELF-MF increased the odds of developing leukemia in mice (4 studies, OR = 4.45; 95% CI 1.90-10.38) but not in rats. Our systematic review also suggests that ELF-MF can damage DNA in certain cell types like brain cells. Nevertheless, a meta-analysis on three comet assay studies indicated that ELF-MF did not increase DNA damage in neuroblastoma cells (SMD = -0.08; 95% CI -0.18-0.01). Overall, our results suggest that exposure to ELF-MF does not represent a major hazard for mammals and the carcinogenic effects of these magnetic fields could be limited to leukemia.


ELF-MF do not affect the odds of lymphoma, brain cancer and breast cancer in rodents
ELF-MF could increase the odds of developing leukemia in mice but not in rats
ELF-MF have no influence on survival and body weight in rodents
ELF-MF do not increase DNA damage in neuroblastoma cells
ELF-MF could damage DNA of certain cell types like brain cells in rodents


Effects of extremely low-frequency (50 Hz) electromagnetic fields on vital organs of adult Wistar rats and viability of mouse fibroblast cells

Tekam CKS, Majumdar S, Kumari P, Prajapati SK, Sahi AK, Singh R, Krishnamurthy S, Mahto SK. Effects of extremely low-frequency (50 Hz) electromagnetic fields on vital organs of adult Wistar rats and viability of mouse fibroblast cells. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 2024 Dec 4:ncae220. doi: 10.1093/rpd/ncae220.


In recent years, scientific communities have been concerned about the potential health effects of periodic electromagnetic field exposure (≤1 h/d). The objective of our study is to determine the impact of extremely low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields (ELF-PEMF) (1-3 mT, 50 Hz) on mouse fibroblast (red fluorescent protein (RFP)-L929) cells and adult Wistar rats to gain a comprehensive understanding of biological effects. We observed that RFP-L929 exhibits no significant changes in cell proliferation and morphology but mild elevation in aspartate aminotransferases, alanine aminotransferases, total bilirubin, serum creatinine, and creatine kinase-myocardial band levels in ELF-PEMF exposed groups under in vitro and in vivo conditions. However, the histological examination showed no significant alterations in tissue structure and morphologies. Our result suggests that 50-Hz ELF-PEMF exposure (1-3 mT, 50 Hz) with duration (<1 h/d) can trigger mild changes in biochemical parameters, but it is insufficient to induce any pathological alterations.


The present study demonstrates the effects of 50-Hz ELF-PEMF (1–3 mT) using in vitro (RFP-L929 mouse fibroblast cells) and in vivo (adult male Wistar rats) models. The results reveal that exposure duration of 20 min (each) with a 4-h gap is non-destructive for RFP-L929 cells and causes mild alterations in biochemical parameters but not in organ coefficient, tissue structure, and morphology of adult Wistar rats. The results demonstrated that 50-Hz ELF-PEMF exposure did not cause significant cellular fragmentation and changes in the morphology of mouse fibroblast cells. We observed mild alterations in the biochemical parameters of rats among MF exposed and control groups. Conversely, histological analysis of the selected liver, kidney, and heart sections following ELF-PEMF exposure revealed no significant changes in tissue structure and morphology. Our efforts provide conceptual and experimental support to establish a link between 50-Hz ELF-PEMF exposure and biological systems/tissues in residential and occupational environments. 


Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field (ELF-EMF) Increases Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain Activities and Ameliorates Depressive Behaviors in Mice

Teranishi M, Ito M, Huang Z, Nishiyama Y, Masuda A, Mino H, Tachibana M, Inada T, Ohno K. Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field (ELF-EMF) Increases Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain Activities and Ameliorates Depressive Behaviors in Mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024; 25(20):11315. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms252011315


Compromised mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) activities are associated with depression in humans and rodents. However, the effects of the enhancement of mitochondrial ETC activities on depression remain elusive. We recently reported that an extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) of as low as 10 μT induced hormetic activation of mitochondrial ETC complexes in human/mouse cultured cells and mouse livers. Chronic social defeat stress (CSDS) for 10 consecutive days caused behavioral defects mimicking depression in mice, and using an ELF-EMF for two to six weeks ameliorated them. CSDS variably decreased the mitochondrial ETC proteins in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in 10 days, which were increased by an ELF-EMF in six weeks. CSDS had no effect on the mitochondrial oxygen consumption rate in the PFC in 10 days, but using an ELF-EMF for six weeks enhanced it. CSDS inactivated SOD2 by enhancing its acetylation and increased lipid peroxidation in the PFC. In contrast, the ELF-EMF activated the Sirt3-FoxO3a-SOD2 pathway and suppressed lipid peroxidation. Furthermore, CSDS increased markers for mitophagy, which was suppressed by the ELF-EMF in six weeks. The ELF-EMF exerted beneficial hormetic effects on mitochondrial energy production, mitochondrial antioxidation, and mitochondrial dynamics in a mouse model of depression. We envisage that an ELF-EMF is a promising therapeutic option for depression.


Effects of light, electromagnetic fields and water on biological rhythms

Martel J, Rouleau N, Murugan NJ, Chin WC, Ojcius DM, Young JD. Effects of light, electromagnetic fields and water on biological rhythms. Biomed J. 2024 Dec 11:100824. doi: 10.1016/j.bj.2024.100824.


The circadian rhythm controls a wide range of functions in the human body and is required for optimal health. Disruption of the circadian rhythm can produce inflammation and initiate or aggravate chronic diseases. The modern lifestyle involves long indoor hours under artificial lighting conditions as well as eating, working, and sleeping at irregular times, which can disrupt the circadian rhythm and lead to poor health outcomes. Seasonal solar variations, the sunspot cycle and anthropogenic electromagnetic fields can also influence biological rhythms. The possible mechanisms underlying these effects are discussed, which include resonance, radical-pair formation in retina cryptochromes, ion cyclotron resonance, and interference, ultimately leading to variations in melatonin and cortisol. Intracellular water, which represents a coherent, ordered phase that is sensitive to infrared light and electromagnetic fields, may also respond to solar variations and man-made electromagnetic fields. We describe here various factors and underlying mechanisms that affect the regulation of biological rhythms, with the aim of providing practical measures to improve human health.


The origins of light-independent magnetoreception in humans

Shibata T, Hattori N, Nishijo H, Kuroda S, Takakusaki K. The origins of light-independent magnetoreception in humans. Front Hum Neurosci. 2024 Nov 29;18:1482872. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2024.1482872.


The Earth's abundance of iron has played a crucial role in both generating its geomagnetic field and contributing to the development of early life. In ancient oceans, iron ions, particularly around deep-sea hydrothermal vents, might have catalyzed the formation of macromolecules, leading to the emergence of life and the Last Universal Common Ancestor. Iron continued to influence catalysis, metabolism, and molecular evolution, resulting in the creation of magnetosome gene clusters in magnetotactic bacteria, which enabled these unicellular organisms to detect geomagnetic field. Although humans lack a clearly identified organ for geomagnetic sensing, many life forms have adapted to geomagnetic field-even in deep-sea environments-through mechanisms beyond the conventional five senses. Research indicates that zebrafish hindbrains are sensitive to magnetic fields, the semicircular canals of pigeons respond to weak potential changes through electromagnetic induction, and human brainwaves respond to magnetic fields in darkness. This suggests that the trigeminal brainstem nucleus and vestibular nuclei, which integrate multimodal magnetic information, might play a role in geomagnetic processing. From iron-based metabolic systems to magnetic sensing in neurons, the evolution of life reflects ongoing adaptation to geomagnetic field. However, since magnetite-activated, torque-based ion channels within cell membranes have not yet been identified, specialized sensory structures like the semicircular canals might still be necessary for detecting geomagnetic orientation. This mini-review explores the evolution of life from Earth's formation to light-independent human magnetoreception, examining both the magnetite hypothesis and the electromagnetic induction hypothesis as potential mechanisms for human geomagnetic detection.


Eukaryotic cells, and vertebrates have developed magnetoreception systems to adapt to the geomagnetic field. Numerous studies on magnetoreception in birds, particularly concerning the upper beak and inner ear, suggest that in humans, the trigeminal nerve, vestibular nerve, and hindbrain might be involved in light-independent magnetoreception pathways. However, the specific sensory organ in humans that detects the geomagnetic field has not yet been identified. Unlike traditional senses, geomagnetic information is transmitted without attenuation through the scalp, bones, and cerebrospinal fluid, similar to gravity. It also generates eddy currents and lorentz forces accompanying the relative movement of the geomagnetic field (Arago and Flourens, 1856). Considering these unique properties, vertebrates might have evolved to detect the geomagnetic field in a light-independent manner, not only through direct detection using torque-based magnetic particles but also through indirect detection of electric potentials using electromagnetic induction. Further research into this evolutionary adaptation could help unravel the mystery of geomagnetic field detection in humans.


Effects of anthropogenic electromagnetic fields used for subsurface oil and gas exploration (controlled-source electromagnetics, CSEM) on the early development of Atlantic haddock

Guillebon C, Perrichon P, Browman HI, Cresci A, Sivle LD, Skiftesvik AB, Zhang G, Durif CMF. Effects of anthropogenic electromagnetic fields used for subsurface oil and gas exploration (controlled-source electromagnetics, CSEM) on the early development of Atlantic haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus). Mar Pollut Bull. 2024 Dec 12;211:117425. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.117425.


Controlled source electromagnetics (CSEM) uses electromagnetic fields (EMF) to detect oil reservoirs. Atlantic haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, is a commercially important demersal fish species that can potentially be impacted by such surveys due to potential overlap with egg distribution. In this study, haddock eggs were exposed to EMF, replicating CSEM survey conditions in a laboratory. Three different EMF intensities were used to replicate different distances between the EMF source and the organism. Exposures lasted for 15 min. A worst-case scenario, i.e. 1 h exposure at the highest EMF level was also carried out. None of the treatments caused malformations, mortality or affected hatching of eggs. However, EMF exposure induced tachycardia in newly hatched larvae and reduced the size of their yolk sac reserve. The effect was significant at the lowest EMF intensity (corresponding to 1000 m between the EMF source and the exposed subject) and increased with exposure time and intensity