Monday, January 27, 2020

5G Global Protest

First 5G Global Protest: News Coverage (Updated Jan 30, 2020)
"The deployment of 5G around the world is being carried out with the collusion of world governments and major telecommunication companies without guarantees for health and the environment. Scientific and environmental organizations from all over the planet have come together to demand from the UN, the WHO, the European Union, the Council of Europe and the governments of all nations the call that was issued throughout January 25 planet...."  (Google translation)
(Los ecologistas piden que se detenga el despliegue del 5G." El Illustrador, Jan 27, 2020)

website for the Global 5G Protest Day listed more than 260 demonstrations on January 25, 2020, in 37 countries aimed to stop the deployment of 5G.

A Google news search found that Switzerland, Italy, the Netherlands, Croatia and Slovenia appear to have had the most news coverage of the demonstrations. Although protests were planned in more than 85 cities in English-speaking countries, relatively few news stories appeared in English.

Following are links to more than 100 news stories from twenty-two countries.


Inquiétudes quant aux effets de la 5G


Na protestu v Ljubljani opozorila o vplivu 5G na varnost ljudi
ROVINJ: Mirni prosvjed protiv 5G tehnologije

U Zagrebu održan protest protiv 5G mreže

ODRŽAN MIRNI PROVJED PROTIV 5G TEHNOLOGIJE Odazvalo se tridesetak građana, ostali pogledavali sa strane

I Ljubljana se pridružila globalnom prosvjedu protiv 5G tehnologije


Fynsk protest mod stråling: - Mennesker flygter fra byerne og må bo i campingvogne

Debat: Global 5G Protest sendt til byrådet

Demonstrationer mod 5G  

5G, tra favorevoli e contrari bisognerebbe pensare alle conseguenze

5g Bologna, in strada per dire "no"

Verona,presidio contro il 5g, il nuovo standard per la comunicazione mobile

Protest gegen 5G

Honderden demonstranten op de Dam: ‘5G maakt alle leven kapot’

New Zealand
Anti-5G protestors rally in Christchurch as roll-out continues

Protest w centrum Opola. Straszono technologią 5G, lobby szczepionkowym i politykami na usługach koncernów

Protest przeciwko sieci 5G w Opolu. Manifestanci: powoduje raka mózgu i zaburza pracę urządzeń

Protest împotriva tehnologiei 5G! Flashmob pentru interzicerea acesteia

Miting Stop 5G la Piața Universității, simultan cu acțiuni în lume. De ce vor protestatarii interzicerea tehnologiei internetului wireless de mare viteză


South Africa

Durban joins global 5G protests

5G protests continue in Switzerland, following inconclusive report

Fürs Klima, gegen 5G: Zwei Demos in Bern

Diverse manifestazioni contro 5G in Svizzera

Hunderte demonstrieren in Schweizer Städten gegen 5G-Ausbau